Full-Body Workout Routine with Sarah Herse

Full-Body Workout HIIT High intensity burn Sarah Herse

Here at Njoie, we've collaborated with fitness coach Sarah Herse to create an amazing full-body cardio workout routine! This routine does not require any equipment so you can do it anywhere, anytime. It includes a total of 8 exercises that work to strengthen your arms, shoulders, abs, back, glutes, and thighs. There are a total of 5 rounds: start with 50 reps of each exercise for round 1, then 40 reps, followed by 30, 20, and finally 10 for the last round.
This should take you around 30 minutes to complete, so give it a try and let us know how you like it!

Jumping Jacks:

Touchdown Squats:

Mountain Climbers:

Squat Pulses:

Glute Bridges:

Bicycle Crunches:

Glute Marches:

Plank Shoulder Taps:

And back to the top until you've completed all 5 rounds! Njoie sweating!