Autumn is Upon Us: Try these Alternative Activities to Keep you Fit this Fall

Autumn is Upon Us: Try these Alternative Activities to Keep you Fit this Fall

As the weather begins to cool, images of candy corn, apple orchards, and pumpkin-spiced-everything begin to float through our minds. But fall also brings with it the promise of cooler weather and more time spent indoors — which can lead to more sedentary, sluggish habits. We all know that staying active is great for your body and mind, but sometimes it can be hard to find the motivation.


So, if you find yourself feeling less-than-energetic this season, there are plenty of ways to stay active without having to hit the gym or go for yet another run. Getting active doesn't have to be a hum-drum experience, switch things up! In fact, it’s proven switching up your fitness routine helps prevent injuries and improves your overall strength and performance. Try out a few of these fun activities to keep you moving this fall:


 Kayaking, live with joie, njoie

Try an outdoor sport like kayaking, rowing, or rock climbing

The first benefit of outdoor sports is that they get us out of our comfort zone and encourage us to try something new. This can be relaxing for some people, but it could be a bit intimidating for others—especially if this will be your first time trying it. Doing something out of our element helps us get in touch with how we feel about new things, and it can help us grow as individuals. It's also a great way to connect with others; talk to other people participating in your activity of choice, ask them how long they’ve been doing it or if they have any helpful tips and tricks -- it’s a great way to make a new friend while taking in the autumnal scenery.


Hiking, live with joie, njoie

Go hiking in a new place (or just try a new trail close to home) and take in the fall foliage

Hiking is another fun way to stay active this fall! If you're feeling adventurous, find a mountain trail or a large forest to explore whether its near or far from your home! The more trees, the more you’ll be able to take in the picturesque fall colors throughout your hike — after all, what's more autumnal than hiking around a local park?


 yoga, live with joie, njoie

Take an outdoor yoga class

If you're looking for a way to stay active this fall, but not sure where to start, consider taking a yoga class outside. Yoga is one of the best ways to stay fit because it's low-impact and can be done in any space. When you take a yoga class, you're not only getting some great exercise, but also learning how to live mindfully and work on your mental health.


Practicing mindfulness through yoga can help reduce stress and anxiety while increasing energy levels and focus; plus, pairing yoga with a nice cool, crisp breeze can feel serene – did we mention it keeps you from getting drenched in sweat?!


 walking, live with joie, njoie

Wander through a maze of corn!

Hey, the internet has been obsessed with the “Corn Song” over the last few weeks, might as well stick with the theme, right? Plus, it’s a classic fall activity that anyone of any fitness level can enjoy.


 hiking, live with joie, njoie

Challenge yourself: Try something new — whether it’s yoga poses or exploring a new hiking trail

Creating new challenges and experiences for yourself helps not only your body stay healthy but your mind, too. The thrill of facing your own challenges is what makes adventure so pleasurable. Whether you're on a kayaking on a picturesque lake, hiking up a steep mountain trail or strolling through a giant corn maze, adventure exists in the intersection between you and your environment.


By challenging yourself through novel experiences that push you outside of your comfort zone, it's possible to develop a greater sense of self-awareness, build character and reap many rewarding benefits - from life-changing growth to temporary mental respite.



Bonus tip: Don’t forget to soothe any sore muscles after a fun-filled fall day.

Recovering after an eventful day is necessary no matter how fit you are. Make it easy and conveinient by carrying compact recovery tools in your bag like proto and electro or wait until your back in your cozy living room and give your PSOAS muscles a deep-tissue massage with MFLEX.


For people who think staying fit isn't fun or adventurous, I'm betting that's because you haven't tried all the different things on this list yet. All of these things are worth trying and could lead to a newfound hobby or passion!


Once the seasons change again, make sure to check out our list of unconventional spring activities to try, too!